Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Neglect much?

Whoooopsie! Sorry little bloggity blog. I kinda sorta forgot about you.

Lots going on. This summer has been just nuts. We have had so few weekends where we could just sit and hang. We've had vacations and parties and birthdays and appointments and swimming lessons and whatnot. It's just been Cuh-RAZY. We went to Milwaukee, my parents' house, camping, Omaha, IL's. Way busy.

Jacob and Boden turned 3 years old this month. Whaaaat? I know, I know. Just crazy. Their speech therapist wants them to go to preschool one day a week this fall, so we're making that leap. I think it will be good for them, for their speech, for their social development, and (hopefully!!) potty training. It's a big deal for me though. My little boys, in preschool. Scary shit.

Then, Miss Ella. Kindergarten in less than a month!! Freaky. She is so, so excited. She wants to start tomorrow. Eric and I plan on taking her on a little overnight jaunt in a few weeks to get school supplies and have a little fun time - movie, museum maybe, dinner, shopping. Now this, my friends, is a BIG damn deal.

As for me. I started running. Ummm, I'm sorry, WHAT? I know. Me, doing physical exercise? Me, running? Here's the really f'd up part. I love it. LOVE to run. I started the Couch to 5k program and I am on week 3. I'm only running in short spurts according to the program, but, it's so great. I get out there, just me and my thoughts. And the occasional roadkill. I even signed up for a 5k in September!!

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